Bringing science to patients
The Helleday Foundation is a charitable, nonprofit foundation based in Sweden with the purpose to support and reward internationally valuable scientific research within the field of medicine. Particular focus is put on the development of new treatment therapies from a biological perspective. Central for new treatment therapies is that they are to be brought to patients in a highly cost effective manner in a near patient environment with high academic integrity.
The Helleday Foundation awards scholarships to promising researchers in order to support their continued research careers. The Helleday Foundation primarily supports scientists early in their career who are based in Sweden, but also international research can be rewarded.
The Helleday Foundation is registered with the Stockholm County Administrative Board by the full name of “Thomas Helledays stiftelse för medicinsk forskning”. The Helleday Foundation board consists of scientists, drug developers, a clinical oncologist, a legal counselor and an administrator.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, thoughts or ideas.
Our vision
At least one out of three people living in Sweden today will receive a cancer diagnosis in their life time. Since the 1970’s the number of confirmed cancer diagnoses has more than doubled in Sweden, partly due to improved diagnostic tools and more screening in the health care services, but also personal habits as smoking, unhealthy food choices, low physical activity and overexposure and sun damage affects the numbers in a negative way. Internationally, the WHO, through its cancer research agency, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) expects the number of new cancer cases to rise by about 70% over the next two decades!
From those diagnosed with cancer only 65,5% survives. Our vision is to make that number into 100%. Our aim is to provide scientific research with funding in order to find a final cure for cancer.
Public and governmental grants are given to researchers all over the world, every year. These grants provide economic support for a given period of time. We aim to provide long term funding that ensure a more sustainable research environment in order to bring treatments to patients faster.
The Helleday Foundation contributes to scientific research within the field of medicine by raising and distributing funds. The Helleday Foundation itself does not conduct any research or scientific training.